There are many supports and services that assist older adults in remaining in their homes or returning to their homes after a hospital or long-term facility stay. Supportive services are key to helping older adults maintain their long-term independence. Services include:

Information & Assistance

Iowa’s Area Agencies on Aging can provide older adults with current information on opportunities and services available within the community.

Options Counseling

Aging Iowans can work with a trained options counselor to discuss different service and support offerings to make informed choices according to their needs.

Case Management

A service that assesses the needs of an individual and arranges, coordinates, and monitors the services and supports agreed upon in order to help aging adults support their independence.

Assisted Transportation / Transportation Services

Transportation from one local location to another that may include assisting an individual who has difficulties using regular transportation methods.

Behavioral Health Supports

This service helps aging adults with mental health issues connect to a behavioral health provider within the community.

Chore Assistance

Performance of heavy household tasks such as yard work, mowing, and snow removal.

Homemaker Services

Aging adults can get assistance with light housekeeping tasks such as shopping for personal items, light housework, and preparing meals in their homes.

Material Aid

Physical household items may be available to aging Iowans on a limited basis, which may include items such as food, grab bars, smoke detectors, medical equipment, or ramps.

Personal Care

Personal assistance with activities such as getting dressed, bathing, grooming, assistance walking or transferring, or health-related tasks.

Respite Care

Temporary supports or living arrangements for care recipients in order to provide a brief period of relief or rest for caregivers.

Connect with your local AAA for more details about the supports for which you or your loved one may be eligible.